fredag 15 mars 2013

Update on Upcoming LP on Cardinal Fuzz records


The upcoming Hills release on wonderful Cardinal Fuzz Records has had a slight change in the tracklist. It will feature a totally new unreleased 15 minute Hills track called Frigörande Musik for one of the sides instead of one of the live recordings.

The release will now feature the songs

1. Kristallen den fina
2. Frigörande Musik

We are very happy about this. It looks like the vinyl is going to be a limited run of 350 cps on splatter vinyl so be sure to lay your hands on one of them. Release is scheduled to sometime in June.

We will update surrounding our other releases as we progress..


onsdag 6 mars 2013

New Hills Track available soon through Rocket Recordings!

Rocket Recordings are celebrating 15 years active this year and asked us if we wanted to contribute to their special 15 year anniversary compilation. We of course said yes. The new track is called National Drone and will be an exclusive track for this RR LP compilation that will also feature new songs by bands like : Goat, Gnod, Anthropropph and others.

We are also extremely glad to announce that Rocket Recordings will release the new Hills LP during 2013 as well.

We´ll provide more info about both releases as we have it.
